“Between the Lines: A Boy’s Survival in the Combat Zone: 1939 – 1945”

By Walter Beller

“During WWII, the author and his family lived in the border region between France and Germany where some of the fiercest bombardment took place. Allied air raids leveled his hometown, and young Walter’s survival was nothing short of miraculous. This paperback original provides detailed descriptions of battles, air raids and post-war occupation, as well as a moving account of war seen through the eyes of a young boy. (Amazon)

Assisted the author in organizing autobiographical stories he had written down, sometimes mulitple times, along with a treasure trove of information he had collected on the bombing of his hometown and the war he lived through. Developed a system of chapters alternating between life stories and military/political history.

Developed additional information into sections preceding or following the main chapters.

Edited the material and helped the author connect with Bardolf & Co. to help with final editing, proofreading and publication.